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Accident Insurance Can Help Avoid Surprises

Don’t let the financial impacts of an accident take you by surprise.


Did you know?


  1. One out of nine Americans each year seeks medical care due to injuries.*
  2. Over 27 million people were treated in hospital emergency departments for non-fatal injuries.*
  3. One-third of children under age 14 who play organized sports have experienced an injury.**
  4. In 2008, over 20 million people were injured in non-work related incidents at home or in their community.*

Personal Accident Insurance can be used not only to offset the costs associated with an accident such as ambulance transportation, emergency room visits, X-rays and rehabilitative therapies, but also for ordinary daily bills, child care or even yard work.  These types of policies can work well with both individual and group medical insurance plans.


Premiums can be competitively priced and some policies have decreasing deductibles over time.  Call or contact me today for more details.

*National Safety Council, Injury Facts – 2010 Edition
**Safe Kids USA, A National Survey of Parents’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Self-Reported Behaviors Concerning Sports Safety, April 2011