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Five Health “Hacks” For Happy Holidays

Thanksgiving is behind us. We survived the stampede on “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday”. A few of us even already have holiday decorations up....

Life Insurance Facts to Consider

Many of us take life insurance for granted. If your employer offers it to you, it’s probably something that you never stopped to review. If you...

It’s Summertime – Make Sure Your Staying Cool!

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Let’s Take a Look at Medicare Prescription Part D Drug Plan

Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Program provides prescription drug coverage to eligible participants. Up until the implementation of Medicare...

It’s Disability Awareness Month – Make Sure It’s Part of Your Plan for Facing the Unexpected

May is Disability Awareness Month, a reminder that it’s important to evaluate if disability insurance is part of your income protection plan....

Help Your Doctor Help You

When your doctor asks you how you’re doing, he or she is not just being polite. Your doctor wants to know what’s going on in your life. Going to...

Traveler’s Checklist: Protect Your Health While You Travel

Vacation season is just around the corner and now is the time to make sure that you are ready not just with your travel plans but with your health...

Great News! April 7 is National NO Housework Day

What Are You Going To Do? National No Housework Day is right around the corner on April 7 but before you jump at the chance of neglecting some of...

It’s Tax Season! Are You Ready?

Filing season for the 2017 tax year is well underway. Many of us are still trying to pull our information together before we even begin the work of...

Commonly asked questions about life insurance

When it comes to thinking about life insurance, most people have more questions than answers…but what happens when you don’t even know what to ask?...

February is American Heart Month: We want you to take it to heart

Life is precious. Living a longer, healthier life is about taking control and following some suggestions offered by the American Heart Association....

Start the year with a review of your coverage needs

We all agree that we need health insurance, homeowners insurance or renters insurance and car insurance. However, when was the last time your...

Affordable Dental Insurance Plans

The cost of not taking care of your oral health can be worrisome. It isn’t unusual for people without individual dental coverage to skip routine...

Apps to help you manage your time and productivity in 2018

How many times have you thought about trying to keep yourself focused, determined to change a habit or just simply get a bit healthier. Here are...

Is it time for an annual insurance review?

When was the last time you reviewed your insurance? Was it when you got married, had a baby, started your own business, retired, added a pet to...